Lade Veranstaltungen

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15. Februar
15:00 - 18:00

workshop: interdisziplinäre tanzimprovisation

Body-voice connection :

In the workshop, we will explore the connection between the voice and the body, aiming for opening channels for expression through this interaction. Through some exercises to establish relations between the two, we will aim to enable the participants to express, communicate and interact through the body with themselves, thoughts and with others. Sometimes abstracting the voice and the body from each other, and sometimes connecting them, with ourselves as individuals, or with a partner, or in a group form.

The workshop will be a simple introduction to tools of expression through the body,  in interaction with the voice.

Always through fun and discovery.

location: studio of Netzwerk Seilerei (up the stairs in the big hall – Halle 3)

The workshop will be held in english

contribution: 20 €

register here


Artist bio: Eslam Elnebishy

is a choreographer and dancer living between Frankfurt and Cairo.

His work goes between choreographing and teaching, while focusing on questioning the body, its characteristics and ways of functioning as a solo, and when it interacts with other bodies.
Working with voice, touch, talking and improvisation are elements that are used often in his approach to the body, always through exploring.

He is a graduate of Choreography and performance master’s program(CUP) Gießen, Germany.
Also a graduate of Maat|CCDC contemporary dance school in Cairo, Egypt.
And the year-long program in Cairo institute for liberal studies and arts (CILAS) 2016.

15. Februar @ 15:00 - 18:00

Eintritt: €20

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