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  • Diese Veranstaltung hat bereits stattgefunden.
8. Februar 2024
20:00 - 22:00


Halle 1 Kulturbühne 2

Konzert Arrecife

Arrecife is a singer-songwriter duo formed by Daniel Schneck and Lena López, musicians from the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina, on tour through Germany, Switzerland and Netherlands.
This project brings together their original songs: small universes expressed through guitars and voices. They offer a show with a heartfelt meaningful spirit, in which we travel through their compositions and some popular music from Argentina.

This tour is part of Arrecife’s first album promotion, just published and available online.

You can find them here:

About the musicians

Daniel Schneck is a guitarist, tuba player, composer and music teacher. He formed and is part of various musical groups such as Arrecife, Diez de Centolla (tango), Jivers (vocal swing), Todopoderoso Popular Marcial, Florencio Varela Municipal Symphony Orchestra and the “El Guitarrazo” Guitar School Orchestra of Argentinian popular music.
“Las canciones del caracol” (“The songs of the snail”) is the name of his solo project, grouped in a set of 4 EPs (Fuego / Infinito / Exorcismo / Verde) of his own songs on guitar and voice. In 2024 his second album inspired by books of argentinian contemporary writers will be published.

Lena López is a singer, guitarist, songwriter and music teacher. She formed: Dominga, a songs dúo; Entredichas, vocal group; El Guitarrazo, guitar orchestra, etc. She is in the pre-production process of her first solo album, with guitar and voice as the main skeleton, which includes the songs that are part of Arrecife’s repertoire. At the same time, she delves into the work of creating “versions” of popular songs, through a process of translating each song into her own language and expressive perspective. Part of this repertoire will also be included in the concerts with the duo.

8. Februar 2024 @ 20:00 - 22:00

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