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BAKING WORKSHOP mit roee sheffer
Roee Sheffer ist professioneller Bäcker, Gewinner des Preises der Dänischen Gastronomischen Akademie für Sauerteiggebäck und war u. a. Chefbäcker im Michelin-Restaurant Noma in Kopenhagen.
Baker’s meditation method:
You cannot touch the same dough twice – like Heraclitus said about the river. We approach baking as an ever-changing situation and we are here to guide the different processes rather than to force our will on them.
We do that by practicing awareness as we bake.
It is important for me to get people to feel comfortable with themselves and with sourdough work.
I started developing this tool-kit after a traumatic experience in the first bakery I worked in, then after 10 years of practicing yoga, meditation and bakery work I started to share this with my baker-teams.
learn how to shape and bake danish pastry (sourdough, vegan variation)
learn how to start, maintain and use a home sourdough
make our own bread and bake it at home
learn product development
learn the basic baker’s meditation method
please bring an apron, a small airtight container for taking some sourdough home, and another container
weitere infos und anmeldung via
oder pn an
teilnahmegebühr: eine person 40,- €
bezahlung erfolgt vor ort.
nur barzahlung möglich.

10. August 2024 @ 15:00 - 17:30

Eintritt: €40